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Web Design

HTML, CSS and their friends

website in different situations. And all this with a wide variety of devices and screen resolutions – from computers to mobile applications with tablets and smartphones and often with varying bandwidths.

Tailored homepages with a stiff layout are outdated. The goal today is to create content (HTML) and design (CSS) consistently coded separately. This way we increase the visual design freedom, the expandability of your homepage and lead to an increased coverage, thanks to a responsive and barrier-free web design.

Through so-called Search Engine Optimization (SEO), we exploit all opportunities to achieve optimal positions in Google’s and other search engines’ result lists for selected keywords.

Since today not only the source code and keyword density – the fixed content of the homepage – are responsible for the positioning, it should be regularly updated with new content.

With a modern Content Management System (CMS) our customers receive tools to do this on their own.

It is a challenge for the future that our customers, as well as ourselves, must face. In order to achieve this, we also involve efficient partners for execution.

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